Database of HWC Policies
This page contains currently known national-level and related policies on human-wildlife conflict. We are continually updating this database, please contact us if you notice anything missing.
This database is a joint initiative of the HWCCSG and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International policies

Target 4
Ensure active management actions to enable the recovery and conservation of species and the genetic diversity of wild and domesticated species, including through ex-situ conservation, and effectively manage human-wildlife interactions to minimize human-wildlife conflict for coexistence.
National HWC policies
Eight countries in the world currently have national strategies specifically on human-wildlife conflict - listed below. Click the images to view the documents. Please contact us if you know of any further national HWC policies not listed here.
National human-wildlife conflicts management strategy
Nature Conservation Division, Department of Forests, Ministry of Agriculture
Citation: Government of Bhutan (2008). National human-wildlife conflicts management strategy. Nature Conservation Division Department of Forests Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimphu.
Estrategia nacional para la mitigación de los conflictos entre la vida silvestre y las actividades humanas
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua
Citation: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua (2015). Estrategia Nacional para la Mitigación de
los Conflictos entre la Vida Silvestre y las Actividades Humanas. La Paz. 52 pp.
National Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan of India 2021-26
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Citation: MOEF (2021) National Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan of India 2021-26. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India.
National Human Wildlife Coexistence Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2033
Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife
Citation: Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife (2023). National Human Wildlife Coexistence Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2033. Government of Kenya.
Revised national policy on human-wildlife conflict management 2018-2027
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Citation: MET (2018). Revised national policy on human-wildlife conflict management 2008-2027. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia
National human-wildlife conflict management strategy 2020-2024
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
Citation: MNRT (2020). National Human-Wildlife Conflict Management Strategy 2020-2024. Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, United Republic of Tanzania
National strategy for management of human-wildlife conflicts 2020-2024
Uganda Wildlife Authority, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities
Citation: Uganda Wildlife Authority (2020). National Strategy for Management of Human-
Wildlife Conflicts
Other national policies with HWC
A number of countries have other policies that include specific mention or guidance on HWC matters. Here are a few examples. We will update this page periodically, please contact us if you see would like any items added (in any language). Click on the images to access the documents.
Solomon Islands
The below countries have National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) policies that contain specific mention of human-wildlife conflict (or closely related terms). This list contains pre-COP15 NBSAPs. All NBSAPs are available to download at:
Angola 2020
Austria 2015
Bangladesh 2016
Belize 2016
Bhutan 2014
Botswana 2016
Cameroon 2014
Costa Rica 2017
Eritrea 2015
Estonia 2014
Finland 2014
Georgia 2014
Germany 2016
Guinea-Bissau 2016
India 2014
Japan 2013
Malaysia 2016
Mozambique 2016
Myanmar 2016
Namibia 2015
Nepal 2014
Nigeria 2015
Norway 2016
Poland 2015
Republic of Korea 2014
Rwanda 2017
Slovakia 2015
South Sudan 2019
Sri Lanka 2016
Sudan 2015
Switzerland 2012
Tanzania 2016
Uganda 2015
Vanuatu 2018
Zimbabwe 2016