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The International Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence took place from 30 March to 1 April 2023 in Oxford, UK. It was organised by the IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group, and co-hosted with the GEF-funded and World Bank-led Global Wildlife Program, and WildCRU of Oxford University.  The conference brought together participants from non-profit, government, academic, and donor backgrounds from around the world, providing a forum for the exchange of knowledge and interdisciplinary discussions. The programme included scientific presentations, panel debates, short courses, keynotes and interactive discussions. It was an interdisciplinary conference with participation from diverse fields such as ecology, animal behaviour, psychology, policy, political ecology, conflict analysis, mediation and peacebuilding, international development, economics, and anthropology.


The conference programme can be accessed here.

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Conference Videos

All of the keynotes, major panel sessions and symposia were recorded and can be found on our conference video page.

Photo Gallery

Ice-breaker reception


Day 1


Day 2


Conference Dinner

Conference dinner