Support the IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group
The IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group (HWCCSG) is highly active and rapidly growing. Members of the HWCCSG volunteer their time to achieve the group's objectives. Still, the HWCCSG receives no core funding from IUCN or the Species Survival Commission and has to raise its own funds to deliver its activities. You can donate to the HWCCSG below if you would like to help support the group's core operating costs (e.g. IT and communications) and activity delivery (e.g. attendance at meetings, knowledge product production and conference costs). Lion Landscapes (UK Registered Charity No: 1190168) support the work of the HWCCSG by managing the group's finances. Therefore, donations made will be sent to Lion Landscapes. If you or your organisation would like to provide specific support to the HWCCSG, please contact Dr Alexandra Zimmermann (Chair) at, and/or Dr James Stevens (Programme Officer) at