Rachel Hoffmann
Advocacy Lead for Species Recovery, Rethink Nature, UK
Member, UK
My role is focused on advocacy, collaboration and communications to secure increased governmental and sectoral support for positive species impact across the four nations of the UK, and enabling the Rethink Nature partnership to increase its advocacy effectiveness for species recovery.
I have almost 2 decades of experience with expanding and strengthening large networks to enhance their inclusion, efficiency and impact. During my time working with IUCN SSC, I managed over 150 Specialist Groups (45 of which I established, including assisting with the establishment of the HWCTF), and my focus and interest is in improving participatory processes through e.g., knowledge sharing, collaboration and mobilization of expertise to deliver its key activities. I am hugely honoured to be a member of HWCCSG and contribute mostly by drawing on my extensive experience with the SSC network to provide guidance and advice when needed.