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April 2022 additions to the library



Aich, R. S., and P. Chakraborty. 2022. Kamot: the first academic investigation of human-shark conflict in Sundarbans. TRACE ∴ Journal for Human-Animal Studies 8.   Download

Aslam, A., C. O'Flaherty, L. Marker, and N. Rooney. 2022. Factors affecting livestock guarding dogs’ proximity to their herd and association with perceived effectiveness. Journal of Veterinary Behavior.   External resource

Ball, R., S. L. Jacobson, M. S. Rudolph, M. Trapani, and J. M. Plotnik. 2022. Acknowledging the relevance of elephant sensory perception to human-elephant conflict mitigation. Animals 12:1018.   Download

Ballejo, F., P. Plaza, A. di Virgilio, M. Lucherini, P. Gáspero, M. M. Guerisoli, A. Novaro, M. Funes, and S. A. Lambertucci. 2022. Unravelling negative interactions between humans, mammalian carnivores and raptors in South America. Ecología Austral.   Download

Clement, B., and S. Bunce. 2022. Coyotes and more-than-human commons: exploring co-existence through Toronto’s Coyote Response Strategy. Urban Geography:1-19.   External resource

Davoli, M., A. Ghoddousi, F. M. Sabatini, E. Fabbri, R. Caniglia, and T. Kuemmerle. 2022. Changing patterns of conflict between humans, carnivores and crop-raiding prey as large carnivores recolonize human-dominated landscapes. Biological Conservation 269:109553.   Download

Fernando, C., M. A. Weston, R. Corea, K. Pahirana, and A. R. Rendall. 2022. Asian elephant movements between natural and human-dominated landscapes mirror patterns of crop damage in Sri Lanka. Oryx:1-8.   Download

Hsiao, E. 2022. Conviviality in disrupted socionatural landscapes ecological peacebuilding around Akagera National Park. Conservation & Society.   External resource

Keith, R. J., L. M. Given, J. M. Martin, and D. F. Hochuli. 2022. Collaborating with qualitative researchers to co-design social-ecological studies. Austral Ecology.   Download

Kontsiotis, V. J., A. Rapti, and V. Liordos. 2022. Public attitudes towards venomous and non-venomous snakes. Science of The Total Environment:154918.   External resource

Rojas-VeraPinto, R., C. Bautista, and N. Selva. 2022. Living high and at risk: predicting Andean bear occurrence and conflicts with humans in southeastern Peru. Global Ecology and Conservation:e02112.   Download

Stanger, M. E., K. M. Slagle, and J. T. Bruskotter. 2022. Impact of location on predator control preference patterns. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3.   Download

Xiao, L., F. Hua, J. M. H. Knops, X. Zhao, C. Mishra, S. Lovari, J. S. Alexander, B. Weckworth, and Z. Lu. 2022. Spatial separation of prey from livestock facilitates coexistence of a specialized large carnivore with human land use. Animal Conservation.   External resource



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