
Key Papers
Alldredge, M. W., D. P. Walsh, L. L. Sweanor, R. B. Davies, and A. Trujillo. 2015. Evaluation of translocation of black bears involved in human-bear conflicts in South-Central Colorado. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:334-340. External resource
Athreya, V., M. Odden, J. D. C. Linnell, and K. U. Karanth. 2011. Translocation as a tool for mitigating conflict with leopards in human-dominated landscapes of India. Conservation Biology 25:133-141. External resource
Barros, T. R., G. Rivas, A. Lander, H. Perozo, and L. Torres. 2011. Translocation of American crocodiles to northern Lake Maracaibo basin, Venezuela: minimising conflict between people and crocodiles. Newsletter of the Crocodile Specialist Group 30:9-10. Download
Boast, L. K., K. Good, and R. Klein. 2016. Translocation of problem predators: is it an effective way to mitigate conflict between farmers and cheetahs Acinonyx jubatus in Botswana? Oryx 50:537-544. External resource
Bradley, E. H., D. H. Pletscher, E. E. Bangs, K. E. Kunkel, D. W. Smith, C. M. Mack, T. J. Meier, J. A. Fontaine, C. C. Niemeyer, and M. D. Jimenez. 2005. Evaluating wolf translocation as a nonlethal method to reduce livestock conflicts in the northwestern United States. Conservation Biology 19:1498-1508. External resource
Bradley, H. S., S. Tomlinson, M. D. Craig, A. T. Cross, and P. W. Bateman. 2020. Mitigation translocation as a management tool. Conservation Biology. External resource
Brien, M. L., C. M. Gienger, C. A. Browne, M. A. Read, M. J. Joyce, and S. Sullivan. 2017. Patterns of human–crocodile conflict in Queensland: a review of historical estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) management. Wildlife Research 44:281-290. External resource
Brown, J. R., Bishop, C. A. and Brooks, R. J. 2009. Effectiveness of short-distance translocation and its effects on western rattlesnakes. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:419-425. External resource
Butler, H., Malone, B. and Clemann, N. 2005. Activity patterns and habitat preferences of translocated and resident tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus) in a suburban landscape. Wildlife Research 32:157-163. External resource
Devan-Song, A., P. Martelli, D. Dudgeon, P. Crow, G. Ades, and N. E. Karraker. 2016. Is long-distance translocation an effective mitigation tool for white-lipped pit vipers (Trimeresurus albolabris) in South China? Biological Conservation 204:212-220. External resource
Fernando, P., P. Leimgruber, T. Prasad, and J. Pastorini. 2012. Problem-elephant translocation: translocating the problem and the elephant? Plos One 7:9. Download
Fonturbel, F. E., and J. A. Simonetti. 2011. Translocations and human-carnivore conflicts: problem solving or problem creating? Wildlife Biology 17:217-224. Download
Germano, J. M., and P. J. Bishop. 2009. Suitability of amphibians and reptiles for translocation. Conservation Biology 23:7-15. Download
Hopkins, J. B., and S. T. Kalinowski. 2013. The fate of transported American black bears in Yosemite National Park. Ursus 24:120-126. External resource
Linnell, J. D. C., R. Aanes, J. E. Swenson, J. Odden, and M. E. Smith. 1997. Translocation of carnivores as a method for managing problem animals: a review. Biodiversity and Conservation 6:1245-1257. External resource
Massei, G., R. J. Quy, J. Gurney, and D. P. Cowan. 2010. Can translocations be used to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts? Wildlife Research 37:428-439. External resource
McManus, J., L. Faraut, V. Couldridge, J. van Deventer, I. Samuels, D. Cilliers, C. Devens, P. Vorster, and B. Smuts. 2022. Assessment of leopard translocations in South Africa. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Morapedi, M., M. Reuben, P. Gadimang, J. Bradley, W. Given, R. P. Reading, K. Ngaka, M. Selebatso, and G. Maude. 2021. Outcomes of lion, Panthera leo, translocations to reduce conflict with farmers in Botswana. African Journal of Wildlife Research 51. External resource
Mukesh, L. K. Sharma, S. A. Charoo, and S. Sathyakumar. 2015. Conflict bear translocation: investigating population genetics and fate of bear translocation in Dachigam National Park, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Plos One 10:17. Download
Power, R. J., L. Venter, M.-V. Botha, and P. Bartels. 2021. Repatriating leopards into novel landscapes of a South African province. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2:e12046. Download
Sullivan, B. K., E. M. Nowak, and M. A. Kwiatkowski. 2015. Problems with mitigation translocation of herpetofauna. Conservation Biology 29:12-18. External resource
Walsh, B., and P. Whitehead. 1993. Problem crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, at Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory: an assessment of relocation as a management strategy. Wildlife Research 20:127-135. External resource
Weilenmann, M., M. Gusset, D. R. Mills, T. Gabanapelo, and M. Schiess-Meier. 2010. Is translocation of stock-raiding leopards into a protected area with resident conspecifics an effective management tool? Wildlife Research 37:702-707. External resource
Weise, F. J., J. Lemeris, K. J. Stratford, R. J. van Vuuren, S. J. Munro, S. J. Crawford, L. L. Marker, and A. B. Stein. 2015. A home away from home: insights from successful leopard (Panthera pardus) translocations. Biodiversity and Conservation 24:1755-1774. External resource
Weise, F. J., J. R. Lemeris, S. J. Munro, A. Bowden, C. Venter, M. van Vuuren, and R. J. van Vuuren. 2015. Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) running the gauntlet: an evaluation of translocations into free-range environments in Namibia. Peerj 3:35. Download
Weise, F. J., Stratford, K. J. and van Vuuren, R. J. 2014. Financial costs of large carnivore translocations - accounting for conservation. Plos One 9:10. Download
White, J. P., W. H. Stiver, M. K. Steinberg, and J. R. Cissell. 2022. Comparing management techniques used on conflict American black bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Ursus 2022:1-7, 7. External resource
Books and book chapters
Boast, L. K., E. V. Chelysheva, V. van der Merwe, A. Schmidt-Küntzel, E. H. Walker, D. Cilliers, M. Gusset, and L. Marker. 2018. Cheetah translocation and reintroduction programs: past, present, and future. Pages 275-289 in P. J. Nyhus, L. Marker, L. K. Boast, and A. Schmidt-Küntzel, editors. Cheetahs: biology and conservation. Academic Press. External resource