Prof Michael Manfredo
Head of Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, USA
Member, USA
Career has been devoted to advancing the role of social science in natural resource and wildlife decision-making. Established long-term cooperative research-outreach programs with the Colorado Division of Wildlife and the entire Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Investigator on 49 research/outreach projects and established the peer-reviewed journal, Human Dimensions of Wildlife. Founded and led the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Unit at Colorado State University to showcase and foster collaboration with the social science expertise at Colorado State University. Chair/co-chair of ten (10) major conferences. Author of 75 peer-reviewed journal publications, 6 books, 24 book chapters, and numerous papers, presentations, and reports. Currently P.I. on a project to monitor wildlife value shift in the U.S with participation from all 50 state agencies.