Dr Hannes J. König
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany
Lab head of the interdisciplinary junior research group “Human-Wildlife Conflicts & Coexistence in Agricultural Landscapes”.
Member, Germany
Having a background in forestry, environmental management and agricultural sciences, Hannes works at the science-policy-stakeholder interface; using scientific findings to support sound decision making for transformative and sustainability-oriented land management. His focus lies on the development and application of ex-ante participatory and integrated impact assessment tools which can be used to explore and analyse policy and land management impacts on human-wildlife interactions.
He is associated editor for the Journals Conservation Biology, Conservation Science and Practice, Ecosystem Services, and Frontiers in Agroecology and Ecosystem Services. As lead author and handling editor, Hannes coordinated two HWC special section: i) “Challenges of and Solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Agricultural Landscapes” (König et al. 2020, Conservation Biology), and ii) “Methods for Integrated Assessment of Human‐Wildlife Interactions and Coexistence in Agricultural Landscapes” (König et al. 2021, Conservation Science and Practice).
Current target species of expertise and HWC projects include: the return of grey wolves (Canis lupus) to Germany, challenges to and solutions for pastoral livestock systems; conservation conflicts between protected grazing birds (common crane, Grus grus) and organic farming practices; transboundary wildlife management of European bison (Bison bonasus) and moose (Alces alces) between Poland and Germany; ASF swine fever outbreak in wild boar (Sus scrofa) and its management impact at farm- (biosecurity) and landscape (connectivity) level.