Historical perspectives

Key Papers
Chakrabarti, R. 2009. Local people and the global tiger: an environmental history of the Sundarbans. Global Environment 2:72-95. Download
Karanth, K. K., and S. Kudalkar. 2017. History, location, and species matter: insights for human–wildlife conflict mitigation from India. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 22:331-346. External resource
Kareri, M. 2021. Parks and people: expropriation of nature and multispecies alienation in Nthongoni, eastern Kenya. Conservation and Society 19:248-258. External resource
Oommen, M. A. 2019. The elephant in the room: histories of place, memory and conflict with wildlife along a Southern Indian forest fringe. Environment and History 25:269-300. External resource
Pooley, S. 2018. Descent with modification: critical use of historical evidence for conservation. Conservation Letters 11:e12437. Download
Pooley, S. 2016. The entangled relations of humans and Nile crocodiles in Africa, c.1840-1992. Environment and History 22:421-454. External resource
Rust, N. A., and N. Taylor. 2016. Carnivores, colonization, and conflict: a qualitative case study on the intersectional persecution of predators and people in Namibia. Anthrozoos 29:653-667. External resource
Sands, D. 2022. Dewilding 'wolf-land' exploring the historical dimensions of human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in Ireland. Conservation and Society 20:257-267. Download
van der Ploeg, J., M. van Weerd, and G. A. Persoon. 2011. A cultural history of crocodiles in the Philippines: towards a new peace pact? Environment and History 17:229-264. External resource
van Eeden, L. M., B. P. Smith, M. S. Crowther, C. R. Dickman, and T. M. Newsome. 2019. ‘The dingo menace’: an historic survey on graziers’ management of an Australian carnivore. Pacific Conservation Biology 25:245-256. External resource
Walker, B. L. 2013. Animals and the intimacy of history. History and Theory 52:45-67. External resource
Books and book chapters
Adams, W. M. 2013. Against extinction: the story of conservation. Earthscan. External resource
Anderson, D., and R. H. Grove. 1989. Conservation in Africa: peoples, policies and practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. External resource
Brockington, D. 2002. Fortress conservation: the preservation of the Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania. International African Institute. External resource
Cronon, W. 1995. The trouble with wilderness. Pages 69-90 in W. Cronon, editor. Uncommon ground: toward reinventing nature. W.W. Norton, New York. External resource
Dowie, M. 2011. Conservation refugees: the hundred-year conflict between global conservation and native peoples. MIT Press. External resource
Flores, D. 2016. Coyote America: a natural and supernatural history. Basic Books. External resource
Knight, J. 2000. Natural enemies: people-wildlife conflicts in anthropological perspective. Routledge. External resource
Lambert, R. A. 2015. Environmental history and conservation conflicts. Pages 49-63 in J. C. Young, K. A. Wood, R. J. Gutiérrez, and S. M. Redpath, editors. Conflicts in conservation: navigating towards solutions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. External resource
Lewis, M. 2004. Inventing global ecology: tracking the biodiversity ideal in India, 1945-1997. Ohio University Press. External resource
Pooley, S. 2013. No tears for the crocodiles: representations of Nile crocodiles and the extermination furore in Zululand, South Africa, from 1956–8. Pages 142-162 in W. Beinart, K. Middleton, and S. Pooley, editors. Wild things: nature and the social imagination. White Horse Press. External resource
Powell, J., J. C. Axmacher, J. D. C. Linnell, and S. M. Durant. 2021. Diverse locations and a long history: historical context for urban leopards (Panthera pardus) in the early anthropocene from Seoul, Korea. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Rabinowitz, A. 2015. An indomitable beast: the remarkable journey of the jaguar. Island Press. External resource
Shetler, J. B. 2007. Imagining Serengeti: a history of landscape memory in Tanzania from earliest times to the present. Ohio University Press. External resource
Somerville, K. 2016. Ivory: power and poaching in Africa. Hurst. External resource
Somerville, K. 2019. Humans and lions: conflict, conservation and coexistence. Taylor & Francis. External resource