Asian elephant

Guidance Documents
Guide for implementing community-based electric fences for the effective mitigation of human-elephant conflict (2020). (Fernando, P)
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Human-elephant conflict mitigation measures: lessons from Bangladesh (2016). (IUCN) Download
A Manual for Human-Elephant Conflict Monitoring (2010). (Wildlife Conservation Society) Download
Living with elephants in Assam a handbook (2009). (Assam Haathi Project) Download
Review of human-elephant conflict mitigation measures practiced in South Asia (2008). (WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature) Download
Guidelines on the better management practices for the mitigation and management of human-elephant conflict in and around oil-palm plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia, final draft (2005). (WWF-Malaysia) Download
Key Papers
Ardiantiono, Sugiyo, P. J. Johnson, M. I. Lubis, F. Amama, Sukatmoko, W. Marthy, and A. Zimmermann. 2021. Towards coexistence: can people's attitudes explain their willingness to live with Sumatran elephants in Indonesia? Conservation Science and Practice n/a:e520. Download
Bal, P., C. D. Nath, K. M. Nanaya, C. G. Kushalappa, and C. Garcia. 2011. Elephants also like coffee: trends and drivers of human-elephant conflicts in coffee agroforestry landscapes of Kodagu, Western Ghats, India. Environmental Management 47:789-801. External resource
Ball, R., S. L. Jacobson, M. S. Rudolph, M. Trapani, and J. M. Plotnik. 2022. Acknowledging the relevance of elephant sensory perception to human-elephant conflict mitigation. Animals 12:1018. Download
Bandara, R., and C. Tisdell. 2003. Comparison of rural and urban attitudes to the conservation of Asian elephants in Sri Lanka: empirical evidence. Biological Conservation 110:327-342. External resource
Banerjee, S., and A. Aiyadurai. 2021. ‘Everyday conservation’: a study of actors and processes in an elephant conservation project in Assam, India. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-18. External resource
Barua, M. 2010. Whose issue? Representations of human-elephant conflict in Indian and international media. Science Communication 32:55-75. External resource
Barua, M., S. A. Bhagwat, and S. Jadhav. 2013. The hidden dimensions of human-wildlife conflict: health impacts, opportunity and transaction costs. Biological Conservation 157:309-316. External resource
Budd, K., C. Sampson, P. Leimgruber, D. Tonkyn, K. Storey, M. Garrett, and L. S. Eggert. 2021. Population structure and demography of Myanmar's conflict elephants. Global Ecology and Conservation:e01828. Download
Campos-Arceiz, A., J. A. de la Torre, K. Wei, X. O. Wu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhu, Z. Yang, S. Chen, Y. Bai, R. T. Corlett, and F. Chen. 2022. China's wandering elephants: integrating exceptional movements into conservation planning. Integrative Conservation 1:40-51. Download
Campos-Arceiz, A., J. A. de la Torre, K. Wei, X. O. Wu, Y. Zhu, M. Zhao, S. Chen, Y. Bai, R. T. Corlett, and F. Chen. 2021. The return of the elephants: how two groups of dispersing elephants attracted the attention of billions and what can we learn from their behavior. Conservation Letters n/a:e12836. Download
Chen, S., Z. F. Yi, A. Campos-Arceiz, M. Y. Chen, and E. L. Webb. 2013. Developing a spatially-explicit, sustainable and risk-based insurance scheme to mitigate human-wildlife conflict. Biological Conservation 168:31-39. External resource
Chen, Y., J. Marino, Q. Tao, C. D. Sullivan, K. Shi, and D. W. Macdonald. 2016. Predicting hotspots of human-elephant conflict to inform mitigation strategies in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Plos One 11:15. Download
Choudhury, A. 2004. Human–elephant conflicts in Northeast India. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 9:261-270. External resource
Davies, T. E., S. Wilson, N. Hazarika, J. Chakrabarty, D. Das, D. J. Hodgson, and A. Zimmermann. 2011. Effectiveness of intervention methods against crop-raiding elephants. Conservation Letters 4:346-354. Download
de la Torre, J. A., E. P. Wong, A. M. Lechner, N. Zulaikha, A. Zawawi, P. Abdul-Patah, S. Saaban, B. Goossens, and A. Campos-Arceiz. 2021. There will be conflict – agricultural landscapes are prime, rather than marginal, habitats for Asian elephants. Animal Conservation External resource
Denninger Snyder, K., and D. Rentsch. 2020. Rethinking assessment of success of mitigation strategies for elephant-induced crop damage. Conservation Biology External resource
Dror, S., F. Harich, O. Duangphakdee, T. Savini, Á. Pogány, J. Roberts, J. Geheran, and A. C. Treydte. 2020. Are Asian elephants afraid of honeybees? Experimental studies in northern Thailand. Mammalian Biology. Download
Fernando, C., M. A. Weston, R. Corea, K. Pahirana, and A. R. Rendall. 2022. Asian elephant movements between natural and human-dominated landscapes mirror patterns of crop damage in Sri Lanka. Oryx:1-8. Download
Fernando, P., P. Leimgruber, T. Prasad, and J. Pastorini. 2012. Problem-elephant translocation: translocating the problem and the elephant? Plos One 7:9. Download
Fernando, P., Wikramanayake, E., Weerakoon, D., Jayasinghe, L. K. A., Gunawardene, M. and Janaka, H. K. 2005. Perceptions and patterns of human-elephant conflict in old and new settlements in Sri Lanka: insights for mitigation and management. Biodiversity and Conservation 14:2465-2481. External resource
Goswami, V. R., K. Medhi, J. D. Nichols, and M. K. Oli. 2015. Mechanistic understanding of human-wildlife conflict through a novel application of dynamic occupancy models. Conservation Biology 29:1100-1110. External resource
Goswami, V. R., and D. Vasudev. 2017. Triage of conservation needs: the juxtaposition of conflict mitigation and connectivity considerations in heterogeneous, human-dominated landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4. Download
Goswami, V. R., D. Vasudev, and M. K. Oli. 2014. The importance of conflict-induced mortality for conservation planning in areas of human-elephant co-occurrence. Biological Conservation 176:191-198. External resource
Gross, E. M., B. P. Lahkar, N. Subedi, V. R. Nyirenda, L. L. Lichtenfeld, and O. Jakoby. 2018. Seasonality, crop type and crop phenology influence crop damage by wildlife herbivores in Africa and Asia. Biodiversity and Conservation. External resource
Gubbi, S. 2012. Patterns and correlates of human-elephant conflict around a south Indian reserve. Biological Conservation 148:88-95. External resource
Gubbi, S., M. H. Swaminath, H. C. Poornesha, R. Bhat, and R. Raghunath. 2014. An elephantine challenge: human-elephant conflict distribution in the largest Asian elephant population, southern India. Biodiversity and Conservation 23:633-647. External resource
Gunaryadi, D., Sugiyo, and S. Hedges. 2017. Community-based human–elephant conflict mitigation: the value of an evidence-based approach in promoting the uptake of effective methods. Plos One 12:e0173742. Download
Hedges, S., and D. Giunaryadi. 2010. Reducing human-elephant conflict: do chillies help deter elephants from entering crop fields? Oryx 44:139-146. External resource
Jadhav, S., and M. Barua. 2012. The elephant vanishes: impact of human-elephant conflict on people's wellbeing. Health & Place 18:1356-1365. External resource
Karanth, K. K., A. M. Gopalaswamy, P. K. Prasad, and S. Dasgupta. 2013. Patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation: insights from Western Ghats protected areas. Biological Conservation 166:175-185. External resource
Karanth, K. K., and S. Kudalkar. 2017. History, location, and species matter: insights for human–wildlife conflict mitigation from India. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 22:331-346. External resource
LaDue, C. A., I. Eranda, C. Jayasinghe, and R. P. G. Vandercone. 2021. Mortality patterns of Asian elephants in a region of human–elephant conflict. The Journal of Wildlife Management External resource
Natarajan, L., A. Kumar, Q. Qureshi, A. A. Desai, and B. Pandav. 2021. Evaluation of wall-barriers to manage human conflict with Asian elephants in India. Wildlife Society Bulletin. External resource
Nayak, M., and P. K. Swain. 2021. Perceptions through artwork: children’s understanding of elephants and human-elephant interactions in Balasore, India. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-10. External resource
Neupane, D., S. Kunwar, A. K. Bohara, T. S. Risch, and R. L. Johnson. 2017. Willingness to pay for mitigating human-elephant conflict by residents of Nepal. Journal for Nature Conservation 36:65-76. Download
Nyhus, P., and R. Tilson. 2004. Agroforestry, elephants, and tigers: balancing conservation theory and practice in human-dominated landscapes of Southeast Asia. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 104:87-97. External resource
Nyhus, P. J., R. Tilson, and Sumianto. 2000. Crop-raiding elephants and conservation implications at Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Oryx 34:262-274. External resource
Ogra, M. 2009. Attitudes toward resolution of human-wildlife conflict among forest-dependent agriculturalists near Rajaji National Park, India. Human Ecology 37:161-177. External resource
Ogra, M., and R. Badola. 2008. Compensating human-wildlife conflict in protected area communities: ground-level perspectives from Uttarakhand, India. Human Ecology 36:717-729. External resource
Ogra, M. V. 2008. Human-wildlife conflict and gender in protected area borderlands: a case study of costs, perceptions, and vulnerabilities from Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal), India. Geoforum 39:1408-1422. External resource
Oommen, M. A. 2021. Beasts in the garden: human-wildlife coexistence in India's past and present. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Othman, N., M. A.-S. Mustapah, A. G. Quilter, and A. DeWan. 2022. Understanding barriers and benefits to adopting elephant coexistence practices in oil palm plantation landscapes in Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Pant, G., M. Dhakal, N. M. B. Pradhan, F. Leverington, and M. Hockings. 2016. Nature and extent of human-elephant Elephas maximus conflict in central Nepal. Oryx 50:724-731. External resource
Plotnik, J. M., and S. L. Jacobson. 2022. A “thinking animal” in conflict: studying wild elephant cognition in the shadow of anthropogenic change. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 46:101148. External resource
Pokharel, S. S., B. Singh, P. B. Seshagiri, and R. Sukumar. 2018. Lower levels of glucocorticoids in crop-raiders: diet quality as a potential ‘pacifier’ against stress in free-ranging Asian elephants in a human-production habitat. Animal Conservation. External resource
Prins, H. H., Y. Liefting, and J. F. de Jong. 2021. Marginal farmers carry the burden of damage caused by Asian elephants Elephas maximus in Bardiya National Park, Nepal. Oryx:1-9. Download
Rubino, E. C., C. Serenari, N. Othman, M. Ancrenaz, F. Sarjono, and E. Ahmad. 2021. Viewing Bornean human–elephant conflicts through an environmental justice lens. Human–Wildlife Interactions 14:18. Download
Saif, O., R. Kansky, A. Palash, M. Kidd, and A. T. Knight. Costs of coexistence: understanding the drivers of tolerance towards Asian elephants Elephas maximus in rural Bangladesh. Oryx:1-9. External resource
Sampson, C., S. L. Rodriguez, P. Leimgruber, Q. Huang, and D. Tonkyn. 2021. A quantitative assessment of the indirect impacts of human-elephant conflict. Plos One 16:e0253784. Download
Shaffer, L. J., K. K. Khadka, J. Van Den Hoek, and K. J. Naithani. 2019. Human-elephant conflict: a review of current management strategies and future directions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6. External resource
Sukumar, R. 1990. Ecology of the Asian elephant in Southern India .II. Feeding-habits and crop raiding patterns. Journal of Tropical Ecology 6:33-53. External resource
Sukumar, R. 1991. The management of large mammals in relation to male strategies and conflict with people. Biological Conservation 55:93-102. External resource
Sukumar, R., and M. Gadgil. 1988. Male-female differences in foraging on crops by Asian elephants. Animal Behaviour 36:1233-1235. External resource
Thekaekara, T., S. A. Bhagwat, and T. F. Thornton. 2021. Coexistence and culture: understanding human diversity and tolerance in human-elephant interactions. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Thuppil, V., and R. G. Coss. 2016. Playback of felid growls mitigates crop-raiding by elephants Elephas maximus in southern India. Oryx 50:329-335. External resource
Tripathy, B. R., X. Liu, M. Songer, L. Kumar, S. Kaliraj, N. D. Chatterjee, W. M. S. Wickramasinghe, and K. K. Mahanta. 2021. Descriptive spatial analysis of human-elephant conflict (HEC) distribution and mapping HEC hotspots in Keonjhar Forest Division, India. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9. External resource
Vasudev, D., R. J. Fletcher, N. Srinivas, A. J. Marx, and V. R. Goswami. 2023. Mapping the connectivity–conflict interface to inform conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120:e2211482119. Download
Venkataraman, A. B., R. Saandeep, N. Baskaran, M. Roy, A. Madhivanan, and R. Sukumar. 2005. Using satellite telemetry to mitigate elephant-human conflict: an experiment in northern West Bengal, India. Current Science 88:1827-1831. Download
Webber, C. E., T. Sereivathana, M. P. Maltby, and P. C. Lee. 2011. Elephant crop-raiding and human-elephant conflict in Cambodia: crop selection and seasonal timings of raids. Oryx 45:243-251. External resource
Wilson, S., T. E. Davies, N. Hazarika, and A. Zimmermann. 2015. Understanding spatial and temporal patterns of human-elephant conflict in Assam, India. Oryx 49:140-149. External resource
Zimmermann, A., T. E. Davies, N. Hazarika, S. Wilson, J. Chakrabarty, B. Hazarika, and D. Das. 2009. Community-based human-elephant conflict management in Assam. Gajah 30:34-40. Download