Dr Diogo Veríssimo
Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Member, UK
Diogo Veríssimo is a conservation marketer, using marketing principles and theory to influence human behavior and mitigate the threats faced by biodiversity. Diogo’s current portfolio of projects includes designing and/or evaluating more than a dozen behavior change interventions to reduce the demand for illegal wildlife products, such as song birds in Indonesia, bear bile in Cambodia, pangolin scales in China and sea turtle meat in São Tomé and Principe. In 2016, Diogo was recognized by the IUCN Commission of Education & Communication with their Young Professional Award and in 2017 by the Society for Conservation Biology, with their Early Career Conservationist Award. He was until recently the Vice-president of the International Social Marketing Association and a board member of the European social Marketing Association. Diogo was a co-founder and president of the Conservation Marketing Working Group of the Society for Conservation Biology.