July 2021 additions to the library

Abrahms, B. 2021. Human-wildlife conflict under climate change. Science 373:484-485. External resource
Anderson, R. M. 2021. Killing for the common good? The (bio)politics of wolf management in Washington State. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9. External resource
Atwood, T. C., and J. M. Wilder. 2021. Human-polar bear interactions. Pages 325-353 in R. W. Davis and A. M. Pagano, editors. Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Sea Otters and Polar Bears. Springer International Publishing, Cham. External resource
Ballejo, F., P. I. Plaza, and S. A. Lambertucci. 2021. Framing of visual content shown on popular social media may affect viewers’ attitudes to threatened species. Scientific Reports 11:13512. Download
Carter, N. H., P. Nelson, and T. Easter. 2021. A call for a national collaborative predator coexistence programme. People and Nature. Download
Cinque, S., A. Sjölander-Lindqvist, and C. Sandström. 2021. Frontline bureaucrats in wildlife management: caught in the dilemma between effectiveness and responsiveness. Environmental Policy and Governance. Download
Dellinger, J. A., D. K. Macon, J. L. Rudd, D. L. Clifford, and S. G. Torres. 2021. Temporal trends and drivers of mountain lion depredation in California, USA. Human–Wildlife Interactions 15:21. Download
Dheer, A., E. Davidian, M. H. Jacobs, J. Ndorosa, T. M. Straka, and O. P. Höner. 2021. Emotions and cultural importance predict the acceptance of large carnivore management strategies by Maasai pastoralists. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Gigante, F. D., J. P. V. Santos, J. V. López-Bao, P. P. Olea, B. Verschuuren, and P. Mateo-Tomás. 2021. Farmers’ perceptions towards scavengers are influenced by implementation deficits of EU sanitary policies. Biological Conservation 259:109166. External resource
Kettel, E. F., R. W. Yarnell, J. L. Quinn, and L. K. Gentle. 2021. Raptors, racing pigeons and perceptions of attacks. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:73. Download
Koirala, S., P. A. Garber, D. Somasundaram, H. B. Katuwal, B. Ren, C. Huang, and M. Li. 2021. Factors affecting the crop raiding behavior of wild rhesus macaques in Nepal: implications for wildlife management. Journal of Environmental Management 297:113331. External resource
Konrad, L., and A. Levine. 2021. Controversy over beach access restrictions at an urban coastal seal rookery: exploring the drivers of conflict escalation and endurance at Children’s Pool Beach in La Jolla, CA. Marine Policy 132:104659. Download
Le Busque, B., and C. Litchfield. 2021. Sharks on film: an analysis of how shark-human interactions are portrayed in films. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-7. External resource
Lieb, Z., B. Tumurbaatar, B. Elfström, and J. Bull. 2021. Impact of livestock guardian dogs on livestock predation in rural Mongolia. Conservation Science and Practice n/a:e509. Download
Marino, A., P. Ciucci, S. M. Redpath, S. Ricci, J. Young, and V. Salvatori. 2021. Broadening the toolset for stakeholder engagement to explore consensus over wolf management. Journal of Environmental Management 296:113125. External resource
Mourier, J., M. Soria, A. Blaison, M. Simier, G. Certain, A. Demichelis, and T. Hattab. 2021. Dynamic use of coastal areas by bull sharks and the conciliation of conservation and management of negative human–wildlife interactions. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. External resource
Musah, Y., D. K. Attuquayefio, A. N. A. Pobee, and L. H. Holbech. 2021. Ophidiophobia, myth generation, and human perceptions: implications for snake conservation in a typical savanna community of northern Ghana. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-22. External resource
Nettles, J. M., M. T. J. Brownlee, J. C. Hallo, D. S. Jachowski, and R. L. Sharp. 2021. Integrating emotional affect into bear viewing management and bear safety education. Ecology and Society 26. Download
Oommen, M. A. 2021. Beasts in the garden: human-wildlife coexistence in India's past and present. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Parchizadeh, J., and J. L. Belant. 2021. Brown bear and Persian leopard attacks on humans in Iran. Plos One 16:e0255042. Download
Pike, K. N., S. Blake, F. Cabrera, I. J. Gordon, and L. Schwarzkopf. 2021. Body size, sex and high philopatry influence the use of agricultural land by Galapagos giant tortoises. Oryx:1-10. Download
Sampson, C., S. L. Rodriguez, P. Leimgruber, Q. Huang, and D. Tonkyn. 2021. A quantitative assessment of the indirect impacts of human-elephant conflict. Plos One 16:e0253784. Download
Scharhag, J. M., C. Sartini, S. M. Crimmins, S. E. Hygnstrom, and J. B. Stetz. 2021. Characteristics of non-fatal attacks by black bears: conterminous United States, 2000–2017. Human–Wildlife Interactions 15:23. Download
Sheridan, K., M. Justin O’Riain, and M. D. Needham. 2021. Recreationist perceptions of lethal and non-lethal management of sharks in two of South Africa’s marine areas. Marine Policy 132:104633. External resource
Simpfendorfer, C. A., M. R. Heupel, and D. Kendal. 2021. Complex human-shark conflicts confound conservation action. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Staddon, S., A. Byg, M. Chapman, R. Fish, A. Hague, and K. Horgan. 2021. The value of listening and listening for values in conservation. People and Nature. Download
Thinley, P., R. Rajaratnam, L. Norbu, L. Dorji, J. Tenzin, C. Namgyal, C. Yangzom, T. Wangchuk, S. Wangdi, T. Dendup, S. Tashi, and C. Wangmo. 2021. Understanding human–canid conflict and coexistence: socioeconomic correlates underlying local attitude and support toward the Endangered dhole (Cuon alpinus) in Bhutan. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Tripathy, B. R., X. Liu, M. Songer, L. Kumar, S. Kaliraj, N. D. Chatterjee, W. M. S. Wickramasinghe, and K. K. Mahanta. 2021. Descriptive spatial analysis of human-elephant conflict (HEC) distribution and mapping HEC hotspots in Keonjhar Forest Division, India. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9. External resource
van Eeden, L. M., C. Bogezi, D. Leng, J. M. Marzluff, A. J. Wirsing, and S. Rabotyagov. 2021. Public willingness to pay for gray wolf conservation that could support a rancher-led wolf-livestock coexistence program. Biological Conservation 260:109226. External resource
Wilkinson, C. E., J. S. Brashares, A. C. Bett, and M. Kelly. 2021. Examining drivers of divergence in recorded and perceived human-carnivore conflict hotspots by integrating participatory and ecological data. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Young, J. C., J. S. Alexander, A. Bijoor, D. Sharma, A. Dutta, B. Agvaantseren, T. N. Mijiddorj, K. Jumabay, V. Amankul, B. Kabaeva, A. Nawaz, S. Khan, H. Ali, J. S. Rullman, K. Sharma, R. Murali, and C. Mishra. 2021. Community-based conservation for the sustainable management of conservation conflicts: learning from practitioners. Sustainability 13:7557. Download