April 2021 additions to the library

Alexander, J. S., B. Agvaantseren, E. Gongor, T. N. Mijiddorj, T. Piaopiao, S. Redpath, J. Young, and C. Mishra. 2021. Assessing the effectiveness of a community-based livestock insurance program. Environmental Management 68:87-99. External resource
Bateman, H. L., J. A. Brown, K. L. Larson, R. Andrade, and B. Hughes. 2021. Unwanted residential wildlife: evaluating social-ecological patterns for snake removals. Global Ecology and Conservation:e01601. Download
Bhatia, S., K. Suryawanshi, S. M. Redpath, S. Namgail, and C. Mishra. 2021. Understanding people’s relationship with wildlife in trans-Himalayan folklore. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9. Download
Bradshaw, C. J. A., P. Meagher, M. J. Thiele, R. G. Harcourt, and C. Huveneers. 2021. Predicting potential future reduction in shark bites on people. Royal Society Open Science 8:201197. Download
Cleary, M., O. Joshi, and W. S. Fairbanks. 2021. Mapping and modeling the components of human tolerance for black bears in eastern Oklahoma. Journal of Environmental Management 288:112378. External resource
Dietsch, A. M., D. M. Wald, M. J. Stern, and B. Tully. 2021. An understanding of trust, identity, and power can enhance equitable and resilient conservation partnerships and processes. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e421. Download
Feist, B. E., J. F. Samhouri, K. A. Forney, and L. E. Saez. Footprints of fixed-gear fisheries in relation to rising whale entanglements on the U.S. West Coast. Fisheries Management and Ecology. Download
Foerster, T. A., M. M. Mars, R. M. Torres, and P. M. Sias. 2021. Human-wildlife conflict mitigation and the self-efficacy of wildlife professionals in non-formal education and outreach. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-16. External resource
Gilbert, S., N. Carter, and R. Naidoo. Predation services: quantifying societal effects of predators and their prey. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. External resource
Joshi, P., N. Dahanukar, S. Bharade, V. Dethe, S. Dethe, N. Bhandare, and M. Watve. 2021. Combining payment for crop damages and reward for productivity to address wildlife conflict. Conservation Biology. External resource
Kolinski, L., and K. M. Milich. 2021. Human-wildlife conflict mitigation impacts community perceptions around Kibale National Park, Uganda. Diversity 13:145. Download
Lham, D., G. Cozzi, S. Sommer, S. Wangchuk, K. Lham, and A. Ozgul. 2021. Ecological determinants of livestock depredation by the snow leopard Panthera uncia in Bhutan. Journal of Zoology. External resource
Rakotonarivo, S. O., A. R. Bell, K. Abernethy, J. Minderman, A. B. Duthie, S. Redpath, A. Keane, H. Travers, S. Bourgeois, L.-L. Moukagni, J. J. Cusack, I. L. Jones, R. A. Pozo, and N. Bunnefeld. 2021. The role of incentive-based instruments and social equity in conservation conflict interventions. Ecology and Society 26. Download
Rubino, E. C., and K. F. Doubleday. 2021. A gendered environmental justice perspective of tiger reintroductions to Sariska Tiger Reserve. Journal of Rural Social Sciences 36:5. Download
Salvatori, V., E. Balian, J. C. Blanco, X. Carbonell, P. Ciucci, L. Demeter, A. Marino, A. Panzavolta, A. Sólyom, Y. von Korff, and J. C. Young. 2021. Are large carnivores the real issue? Solutions for improving conflict management through stakeholder participation. Sustainability 13:4482. Download
Schultz, H., K. Chang, S. J. Bury, A. C. Gaskett, T. E. Dennis, S. M. H. Ismar-Rebitz, I. Southey, R. J. Hohnhold, and C. D. Millar. Sex-specific foraging of an apex predator puts females at risk of human-wildlife conflict. Journal of Animal Ecology. External resource
Serenari, C. 2021. Conservation reliance and its influence on support for carnivore recovery. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e382. Download
Sibanda, L., E. van der Meer, P. J. Johnson, C. Hughes, B. Dlodlo, R. H. Parry, L. J. Mathe, J. E. Hunt, D. W. Macdonald, and A. J. Loveridge. 2020. Evaluating the effects of a conservation intervention on rural farmers’ attitudes toward lions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-16. External resource
Smith, D. W., and R. O. Peterson. 2021. Intended and unintended consequences of wolf restoration to Yellowstone and Isle Royale National Parks. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e413. Download
Wilkinson, C. E., A. McInturff, M. Kelly, and J. S. Brashares. 2021. Quantifying wildlife responses to conservation fencing in East Africa. Biological Conservation 256:109071. External resource